We were founded by a small group of technologists in a tiny New York City office in 2024.
We borrow the well known motto that “All politics is local.” and have added our own interpretation to that which is “All alpha is local.”
This is the DNA of Turl Street Group.
Local Policy Intelligence

Core to our mission is building a world where the collective voice of the people defines what is newsworthy. The technology and products we are building is exclusively available to journalists and media professionals. Our aim is to elevate citizen journalism and make news a true reflection of community priorities. By connecting people with the information that shapes their lives and making civic participation accessible and impactful, we uphold the ideals that make democracies great.
We provide a subscription-based service designed for professional use with expanded access to a platform of local policy tracking. We equip clients with real time local intelligence to operate strategically in today’s marketplace. We believe the speed of acquiring complete information creates pockets of opportunity to find alpha and create value for our clients in the gaps. Our intelligence platform harnesses complex local research to enable market leaders without the costly local infrastructure.

We innovate deeply in technology from machine learning, artificial intelligence, to programmable hardware. We leverage these tools to perform complex research at macro and micro scales.